
While DDR2 Memory does not exhibit the same bandwidth or performance on the AM2 and Conroe platforms, they do perform at the same timings and voltages when going from one platform to another. This was clearly demonstrated in benchmarking tests performed on AM2 and Conroe platforms. This means readers can examine test results performed on a Core 2 Duo test bed with XYZ memory, and reasonably expect that XYZ memory to perform at the same speeds and the same memory timings and voltages on an AM2 platform - provided those settings are available.

There are always the variations in chipset and BIOS that can cause problems with a memory on one brand/model of motherboard and no problems on another brand/model, but that is also true even if you are planning to use the DDR2 on the same type of platform. We have sometimes seen where a brand of memory runs very well on an MSI platform, for example, but where it would not run at all on a DFI platform using the same chipset and CPU. Those types of compatibility issues will always happen, but in general if a memory tests well on Conroe it should do just as well on AM2.

This fact will make our memory testing much simpler, and we plan to perform all upcoming memory testing on the currently more flexible Core 2 Duo test platform. AM2 buyers can expect similar results with the same DDR2 memory on their AM2 motherboards.

A few conclusions about AM2 performance compared to Core 2 Duo performance are also inescapable in looking at our test results. First, Intel has done a remarkable job of concealing the issue of not having an on-processor memory controller. The intelligent look-ahead for memory works very well, and it makes the chipset-based Core 2 Duo memory controller appear to be as fast as the on-processor AM2 in many cases. This does not change the fact that the AM2 memory bandwidth is really greater than Core 2 Duo or the fact that AM2 scales better in memory, exhibiting a steeper slope in performance increase as memory speed increases than does Core 2 Duo. That just means as Memory Speed increases AM2 will benefit more and Intel will eventually need to move to an on-processor controller.

Probably the hardest conclusion for many will be the fact that increasing memory speed, increasing clock speed, and increasing CPU speed alone will not be enough for AM2 to catch up to Core 2 Duo in performance. The performance gap that remains when overclocking AM2 to 2.93GHz at 266 clock speed with DDR2-1067 is still huge. A die-shrink from 90 to 65nm and the additional cache that will allow will definitely help, but we are even skeptical there with Core 2 Duo already overclocking to 4GHz and beyond. No doubt AMD will find a solution, but it is now clear this will not be an easy fix for AMD.

The deep price cuts announced by AMD yesterday will definitely help. The new numbers indicate AM2 will be very competitive at the low end to low-mid of the processor food chain - a spot they have held in the past and where they have still managed to survive. The low end looks very competitive, and AMD is positioned close enough to mid-range in performance to keep Intel honest. There is no mistaking, however, that Intel Core 2 Duo owns the mid to high-end of the current processor market.

With this memory analysis, the memory playing field is hopefully a lot clearer for those shopping for DDR2 memory. Our next memory articles will compare memory performance of DDR2 on the Core 2 Duo Memory Test Bed. This began with the 6 high-performance memories and the 7 value memories tested in the Conroe Buyers Guide. It will continue with evaluations of the fastest memories available from both Corsair and OCZ.

2.93GHz with DDR2-1067 Performance Comparison
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  • Zebo - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    Nice one Wes and it makes sense no matter what to have memory testing done on the top dog platform, Conroe.
  • Mclendo06 - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    Is there any reason that either company, Intel or AMD, couldn't design a future processor both with an intelligent pre-fetching algorithm such as is seen in the Core 2 Duo and an on-die memory controller like on the AM2 processors? Seems like the apparent memory latencies could be dropped very significantly by combining these features.
  • Calin - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    We are hoping in the next big update to AMD processor (the K8L) to have some kind of intelligent prefetching (it is entirely possible, but it costs a number of transistors). Possibly that "intelligent prefetching" means reordering loads from memory, and this happens before the memory controller
  • Ingas - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link


    Possibly that "intelligent prefetching" means reordering loads from memory, and this happens before the memory controller

    How can Core 2 Duo do prefetch before memory controller?
    I miss some point, do I?
  • Calin - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - link

    I wasn't clear enough. The memory controller gets requests for memory, and returns that memory. Nothing more, nothing less.
    All the logic for preordering is housed in the proper microprocessor, and not in the memory controller - as such, it has no relation with the integrated/discrete implementation of the memory controller.
  • vailr - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    Has anyone run: a Core2 Duo CPU comparison of DDR vs. DDR2, running on the ASrock 775Dual-VSTA? To determine how much slowdown would occur, by using the older DDR memory?
  • Ingas - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    Interesting point!
    Maybe Core intelligent look-ahead so intelligent, that it even performs equaly on DDR!
    Very interesting!
  • Gary Key - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    We will show this in our review. ASRock just released bios 1.4 that addressed a few issues we noticed in our preview of the board.
  • photoguy99 - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    ...that AMD is thoroughly owned.

    It's amazing the arguments have still persisted up until now about excuses for Core2 doing so well.

    It was mentioned that AMD survived before at the lower end of the market - but remember how much trouble they had? There were losing money all the time back then. Now they have taken *all* of their 2.5B cash reserve and spent it on ATI. Nice.

    It hurt AMD's credibility even more when Dirk Diggler recently said 4x4 was going to be an answer to Core2. Right. After 30 years of dual socket systems being a niche they are finally going to take off and save you - good luck with that.

  • duploxxx - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - link

    because you have no idea what is going behind the scene and only looking at performance of a desktop cpu and think this is the real world.

    almost no review site is proud enough to get up against the hyping marketing machine from intel. well then believe the marketing hype and own a cpu that has a crapy design when it comes to real multithread and 64bit. way to go to the future knowing vista is comming your way.

    multicore/multisocket is the future, even intel knows it.

    amd is in a much stronger position know and by the end of this year the make procs with a price tag 50% lower than intel intel can only counter this by going to 45nm end of 2007. knowing the cost of all the intel crew, fabs and size of the processors.

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