Battlefield 2 Performance

The performance of the 7800 GS AGP is very strong in Battlefield 2. This is the one game where the X850 XT PE truly falls behind the new AGP 7 series part. NVIDIA's lead is not a big one in this game, but it's there, and that's definitely a good thing for a cheaper part.

Clearly, the PCIe cards dominate our AGP lineup. The bottom line is that the bleeding edge in performance is simply not available on older platforms. Cards like the X850 XT PE, and now the 7800 GS are the best an AGP user is going to do.

Battlefield 2 - No AA

Battlefield 2 - 4X AA

The Card and The Test Far Cry Performance
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  • spinportal - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - link

    Whats very strange here is that looking around on another ANAND article, for FEAR 16x12 4xAA (this vs. newer article):

    the X1900XTX got 51 fps vs. 43 (wow, ATi got downgraded in the future? hmm)
    the 7800GTX512 got 31 vs. 40 (hmm it later got a boost? odd)
    the 7800GT got 22 vs. 28 (wow, nVidia keeps getting much better all of a sudden)
    the 7800GS got 13 vs. 27 (NOW THATS IMPRESSIVE!)

    Seems this article was garbage as it really downplays nvidia h/w and is on the verge of craptastic fantasy for ATi.
  • boa49 - Friday, February 10, 2006 - link


    We will take a further look into performance with the BFG and EVGA versions of the 7800 GS if there is any interest

    There is definitely interest!!!!!!!
  • yacoub - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - link

    For those who wanted a review that shows how the stock-overclocked 7800GS compares both to a stock-clocked 7800GS and all the other AGP cards out there, check out this review:">

    Very comprehensive and what I think a lot of us were looking for.
  • araczynski - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - link

    thanks, that's EXACTLY what i was after.

    i haven't been to firingsquad in ages, i guess i better start going there more often now.
  • Scarceas - Saturday, February 4, 2006 - link

    I disagree with those who said it was pointless to compare to the x850xtpe. This let's me know which card I can top out the AGP slot with.

    I would have liked this a bit better if the benchmark results included something using the Source engine.

    Why no overclocking results? Heck, we didn't really even get to see mfgr defaults... I'd like to see how 460 MHz scales.
  • araczynski - Friday, February 3, 2006 - link

    comparing a middle of the line card against high end cards is pointless and quite frankly a waste of time.

    this card is meant for those of us that are running middle of the line systems and aren't quite ready to put down the change to scrap the whole system.

    i.e. compare this to the 6800 agp line (and ati's equivalent if you want).

    AND, use a realistic processor for this graphics card range, i.e. intel 2.4's to 3.2's (and AMD's equivalents).

    haven't been visiting as much lately and i'm seeing the quality going down...give me a reason to come back guys.
  • jzander - Friday, February 3, 2006 - link

    I can not stand Best Buy, and the fact that Nvidia is getting into 'bed' with them brings them down a notch in my book. As for the card, does not look like a reason to upgrade from my 6800 GT AGP, card.
  • Alphafox78 - Friday, February 3, 2006 - link

    50+ people have complained and the article STILL hasnt been updated with more cards! what gives?!
  • stephenbrooks - Friday, February 3, 2006 - link

    --[50+ people have complained and the article STILL hasnt been updated with more cards! what gives?!]--

    Hey, I guess if you offered them some money they might do it. :)
  • puffpio - Friday, February 3, 2006 - link

    It's only been a day...if they do update it, it may take a few days

    I think the general concensus is
    1) Add some benches of AGP cards to show it's true competitors as well as give an indication of what end AGP users currently have
    2) Overclock the 7800GS and show that benchmark
    3) Discuss the potential of softmodding the card, unlocking pixel pipelines, shader units, ROPs

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