Audio Performance

We limited audio testing to the Rightmark 3D Sound version 2.2 CPU utilization test and tested with sound enabled to show the performance effects on several games. The Rightmark 3D Sound benchmark measures the overhead or CPU utilization required by a codec or hardware audio chip.

The Sigmatel STAC9221D codec on the Intel D975XBX board does not fully support 3D Hardware, EAX1, or EAX2 modes as the other on-board codecs do at this time. Consequently, its performance is highly dependent upon the CPU and gaming support will be limited to generic OpenAL or 2D modes.

Audio Performance - Empty CPU - 32 Buffers

Audio Performance - 2d Audio - 32 Buffers

Audio Performance - DirectSound 3D HW - 32 Buffers

Audio Performance - DirectSound 3D EAX2 - 32 Buffers

The Sigmatel STCAC9221D codec has extremely high CPU utilization rates in the 2D audio tests when utilizing 32 buffers, which is a minimum requirement in most of today's games. The BlueGears/HDA Mystique 7.1 Gold still has the highest overall utilization rates of the audio solutions tested. BlueGears has confirmed a new driver release that will offer improved performance in several areas. The Realtek R1.29 driver release has improved CPU utilization rates over previous releases. This driver set has been supplemented with the R1.30 release that will be tested shortly. The Sound Blaster X-FI has the lowest rates with the Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit solution on the Gigabyte board following closely. Let's find out how these results translate into real world numbers.

Game Audio Performance - BattleField 2

Game Audio Performance - Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Game Audio Performance - F.E.A.R. - Performance Test

Game Audio Performance - Serious Sam II - Branchester Demo

Game Audio Performance - Half-Life 2 - AT Jarred Demo C17

The audio performance numbers are interesting as the Sigmatel 9221D creates frame rate losses consistent with the other solutions even though the audio output is in 2D mode. This is primarily due to the design of the drivers and codec that rely heavily on the CPU to process the audio streams. Serious Sam II has an average loss of 45%, Half Life 2 at 26%, Splinter Cell at 12%, Battlefield 2 at 13%, and F.E.A.R. at 6%. The surprising number is the performance of the Sound Blaster X-FI in Serious Sam II with a 29% decrease in frame rates at this time. Serious Sam II sounded bright and tinny on the Sigmatel 9221D and did not offer an enjoyable game playing experience in Splinter Cell, HL2, BF2, or F.E.A.R. where 3D sound is a must. While the audio output quality of the Sigmatel 9221D still exceeds that of the Realtek ALC850 in games, it would not be our choice for a true gaming solution.

Obviously, if you are a serious gamer, then a dedicated sound card is still a requirement to ensure consistent frame rate averages across a wide variety of games. We noticed in our Battlefield 2, Serious Sam II, and Half Life 2 testing that the ALC882M solution would stutter in intensive scenes, creating frame rates in the low teens momentarily. We will be testing the Realtek R1.30 drivers in our next article to see if the minimal frame rates and stutter issues have been improved.

The included Intel Audio Studio software offers excellent configuration options in an impressive yet easy to use package. The Sigmatel 9221D audio solution displayed excellent sound characteristics in music, video, and DVD playback throughout our testing and should seriously be considered as the main audio component if gaming is not your priority. However, while the audio output quality in games was acceptable, the lack of basic EAX compatibility and performance degradation is not.

Ethernet Performance Final Words
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  • Gary Key - Saturday, February 11, 2006 - link


    error! That's not how pcie works! pcie is always full duplex, and never single-ended!

    Actually, depending upon the device PCI-E does support single-ended transfers. I probably should have worded my statement differently.
  • Bozo Galora - Thursday, January 26, 2006 - link">
  • Zebo - Friday, January 27, 2006 - link

    It's pretty sad Garys great article is'nt being read more - only 16 replies almost two days later - he can blame intel and thier non-exciting chips ATM.
  • Gary Key - Friday, January 27, 2006 - link

    I should have put "Conroe Comes to Town" in the headline. ;-) At least the board is showing the 1333 fsb setting, hint, hint. Intel's products are a little mundane at the moment but at least we have 20 replies now, anything less and I owed my dog a Big Mac.
  • danidentity - Thursday, January 26, 2006 - link

    Do you guys plan on doing a 975X motherboard roundup in the future? If so, when is it going to be ready?
  • Gary Key - Thursday, January 26, 2006 - link


    Do you guys plan on doing a 975X motherboard roundup in the future? If so, when is it going to be ready?

    We have three more 975x boards to review. I estimate in about three weeks the roundup will be ready.
  • danidentity - Thursday, January 26, 2006 - link

    Thanks Gary. Also, is there any word on whether 975X will support Conroe?
  • Gary Key - Thursday, January 26, 2006 - link


    Thanks Gary. Also, is there any word on whether 975X will support Conroe?

    We continue to ask this question. As soon as we have an answer it will be front page news. :-) This board officially supports the 1333 fsb that we will see on product launches this summer but whether they will respin the 975x or not is up in the air right now.
  • AGAC - Thursday, January 26, 2006 - link

    The lack of performance, specialy when compared to an AMD similarly priced system should be compensated with a richer array of features. Looks like intel failed at that. Couple that with a higher energy bill, hotter/noisier computer and there you may explain why so many people now have AMD systems. For me, my last intel PC was a Pentium III. It was good for over 7 years, went from my home to my office untill a cheaply configured Sempron recently put it out of it's duties.
  • AGAC - Thursday, January 26, 2006 - link

    Can enyone tell me why? Is this "William Shakespeare inside" some spiner's new trend? And while we're talking about intel's marketing strategy what's all the hype with this viiv thang?

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