Final Words

Armed with four 1GB sticks, we ran into more than a few cases where the i-RAM's size limitations made it impractical for use in our system.  Although 4GB is enough for a good deal of applications, an 8GB card would get far more use.  Based on the size of applications and games that we tried installing on the card, we'd say that 8GB would be the sweet spot - which unfortunately would either take two cards or much more expensive DIMMs.  We wouldn't recommend going with a 2GB partition unless you have a very specific usage model that you know won't use any more.  With only 2GB, we quickly found ourselves very constrained for space.  The past few years of having much more storage than we could ever ask for has unfortunately made us forget about how tough things can get with only a couple of GBs of space. 

Although the card is presently cramped with just four DIMM slots, one option for Gigabyte is to introduce a two-slot version with support for eight DIMMs.  The problem that we foresee most people running into is that older memory may be plentiful, but is usually smaller in size.  By the time current Athlon 64 users migrate to DDR2, they may have a handful of 512MB or 1GB sticks laying around, but presently, the only spare memory that you're most likely to have is a few 128MB or 256MB DDR modules from older builds.  Without being able to re-use older memory, the cost of outfitting an i-RAM card with a full 4GB of memory starts getting expensive.  At $90 per gigabyte of memory, you're talking about $360 just in memory costs, plus another $150 for the card itself.  For most folks, that's a pretty steep entry fee, but then again, if you've just splurged on a GeForce 7800 GTX, then maybe your budget can handle it. 

But that right there hits the nail on the head; by no means is the i-RAM a cheap upgrade, but then again, neither is an Athlon 64 X2, or a brand new 7800 GTX, or an SLI motherboard.  If you put it in perspective, an i-RAM with 4GB of brand new DDR400 memory isn't all that expensive compared to some of the other upgrades that we've recommended recently.  So the question then becomes, is Gigabyte's i-RAM as important to your overall system performance as an Athlon 64 X2 or a GeForce 7800 GTX?

For gamers, there is a slight improvement in level load times if you keep your game on the i-RAM.  Most games will fit on a 4GB card, but as we noticed during our testing, not all will.  The reduction in load times isn't nearly as dramatic as we had originally thought. It seems as if level load times are actually more affected by CPU and platform performance than just disk performance. 

Those users who have one or two applications that occupy all of their time, and tend to take a while to load or work with due to constant disk access would be more than happy with the i-RAM.  By far, the biggest performance improvements we saw when using the i-RAM were obviously with disk intensive operations such as file copying.  If your applications or usage models involve a lot of data movement without much manipulation, then the i-RAM may very well be what you need. 

At the same time, for all of the situations where the i-RAM was quite useful, there were a number where it wasn't.  Multitasking performance went up, but only in one out of the three Winstone tests, and even then, it's going to be rather tough to install a large number of applications on the i-RAM due to its size limitations, so your multitasking performance benefits will be numbered.  Game load times weren't always improved by a great deal and as we saw with the Business and Multimedia Content Creation Winstone tests, sometimes you are better off with a faster CPU than with the i-RAM. 

The important thing to focus on is that thanks to Gigabyte's battery system, data-loss was never an issue during our use of the card; and despite the lack of ECC memory support, we never had any data corruption during our testing. 

In the end, the i-RAM is an interesting addition to a system, but it's usefulness will truly vary from one user to the next.  With a bit more capacity, and especially for those users who happen to have a few 1GB sticks laying around, the i-RAM could be a very powerful addition to your system. Hats off to Gigabyte for making something useful, and we can't wait to see rev 2...

Overall Performance
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  • pieq3dot14 - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    I'd like to see how this would change the overall latency of a system. I have a pretty nice home studio, and I can see using this as a boot drive, and then recording off to a raid array. With all the random accesses coming from the solid state drive, and only sequencial going to the raid, I'd think the latencies would drop significantly. Could be pretty handy, even extending the life of older systems.
  • bwall04 - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    Anand, first of all great review, it's nice to see some numbers on this.
    Would it be possible to bench a few tests again with 2GB of system memory? I can vouch that 2GB makes a noticeable difference when loading any game. I realize that you were going for an "enthusiast" level machine but games like HL2, Doom3,and Battlefield 2 has started a push with the high end to upgrade to either 2x1GB or 4x512MB.
  • racolvin - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    Could they perhaps have gone with a full-size card and then oriented the DIMM slots perpendicular to the mobo? I had something like that ages ago in an Amiga that worked well from a size perspective. It might get them to 8Gb :)
  • somu - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    cost of this unit was increased 3 times.
    then it went from sata2 to sata.
    Real life performance is not as gd as i expected, when i first heard i was excited to see them working on removing the bottleneck but going from 13 second load time to 10 second doesnt warrant the cost of the 150 card and 4 gb ram.
  • shaw - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    #1 4GB space = poop
    #2 Still bottlenecked by the SATA bus

    I just hope this is the beginning of a bright future, but for now I'm not impressed one bit.
  • IvanAndreevich - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    How about a Raid0 test with 2 of these cards :)
  • JNo - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    How about Read the Frickin Article?
  • audiophi1e - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    I think the more useful implementation is to have the RAM pre-installed onto the drive. And I'm not talking RAM sticks. I'm talking about these guys at Gigabyte contacting Samsung, Micron, or Crucial to directly supply the chips and directly solder them onto 5.25" plates. I think in the space of a 5.25" bay, you can fit 2 of these said plates. It won't be hard to think that they'd be able to fit 15GB of RAM in a 5.25" drive's space.

    Then with the remaining space, mount a MUCH larger battery. Have the battery be able to last DAYS, not hours. This will set people a little more at ease. It will sure make me feel better. (and no, this 5.25" ramdrive will not be using a molex connector. Simply put in a dummy PCI card to allow the 5.25" to draw power from it)

    The fatal flaw in their product design is that most people simply won't have that many RAM sticks laying around to make this thing useful. Why not supply the RAM, and in the process increase the possible size from 4GB, to something much more useful. If we already know that only 'power users' with little budget restraints will buy this, then just supply it the way we know they want it: Big.
  • Zebo - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    Yeah one really needs about 15-20G to make this a livable reality. And that would cost about 3K and about 4K if they did it right i.e. ultra SCSI or even PCIe interface.
  • Sindar - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - link

    If they got real serrious tunned it up with on pcb ddr3. Made it something like a ZIF socket thing. Gave it a direct bus to the chip, changed the memorie contoler to let it throtle wide open. Wrote drivers, OSes to just use it. It might be like a really fast bios set up for the OS. At first it could be like an extra, but as costs came down maybe it would be intergrated into the motherboard. Humm nearly alomst instant boot's a dream, even if it's only mine!

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