The Newcomers

As we briefly mentioned, there are three new products to talk about today – the Radeon 9800 XT, the Radeon 9600 XT and then NVIDIA’s NV38.

The XT line of Radeon 9x00 cards is specifically targeted at the very high end of the gaming market. With AMD and their Athlon 64 FX, Intel and the Pentium 4 Extreme Edition, it’s not too surprising to see even more companies going this direction. With an ultra-premium part like the Radeon 9800 XT the profit margins are high and more importantly, the PR opportunities are huge – claiming the title of world’s fastest desktop GPU never hurts.

The effort required to produce a part like the Radeon 9800 XT is much lower than a serious redesign. When making any kind of chip (CPU, GPU, chipset, etc…) the design team is usually given a cutoff point where they cannot make any more changes to the design, and that is the design that will go into production. However, it is very rare that manufacturers get things right on the first try. Process improvements and optimizing of critical paths within a microprocessor are both time intensive tasks that require a good deal of experience.

Once ATI’s engineers had more experience with the R350 core and more time with it they began to see where the limitations of the GPU’s clock speed existed; remember that your processor can only run as fast as its slowest speed path so it makes a great deal of sense to change the layout and optimize the use of transistors, etc… to speed up the slow paths within your GPU. This oversimplified process is what ATI and their foundry engineers have been working on and the results are encompassed in the R360 – the core of the Radeon 9800 XT.

The Radeon 9800 XT is able to run at a slightly higher core frequency of 412MHz, quite impressive for ATI’s 0.15-micron chip (yes, this is the same process that the original R300 was based on). Keep in mind that the Radeon 9800 Pro ran at 380MHz and you’ll see that this 8% increase in clock speed is beginning to reach the limits of what ATI can do at 0.15-micron.

The Radeon 9800 XT does receive a boost in memory speed as well, now boasting a 365MHz DDR memory clock (730MHz effective) – an increase of 7% over the original Radeon 9800 Pro and an increase of 4% over the 256MB 9800 Pro. ATI was much more proud of their core clock improvements as we will begin to crave faster GPU speeds once more shader intensive games come out.

The Radeon 9800 XT does have a thermal diode (mounted on-package but not on-die) that has a driver interface that will allow the card to automatically increase its core speed if the thermal conditions are suitable. The GPU will never drop below its advertised 412MHz clock speed, but it can reach speeds of up to 440MHz as far as we know. The important thing to note here is that ATI fully warrantees this overclocking support, an interesting move indeed. Obviously they only guarantee the overclock when it is performed automatically in the drivers, as they do not rate the chips for running at the overclocked speed in all conditions.

The OverDrive feature, as ATI likes to call it, will be enabled through the Catalyst 3.8 drivers and we’ll be sure to look into its functionality once the final drivers are made available.

The Radeon 9800 XT will be available in the next month or so and it will be sold in 256MB configurations at a price of $499 – most likely taking the place of the Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB.

Index The Radeon 9600XT & NV38
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  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    #92, for the 100,000,000 time in these comments, doom3 is not dx9.

    How can anyone take your post seriously when you state 'facts' that you just got from the top of your head. Read your post, read the facts and think about how stupid you look.

    btw, great review Anand and to other whiners who keep harping on about IQ and Resolutions being low, it's part one as mentioned at start of review. Read the whole review and you won't look so silly LMAO

  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    I want 1600 x 1400 with max aa/af!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    Great group of games, though I'm surprised you have time to run so many tests. Hopefully you won't get overwhelmed and have to cut it back down.

    Nitpicky bit, but some corrections to the titles of your games:

    - Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide

    - Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

    Did you get an early copy of Halo? Man you guys get all the good stuff :)
  • Link - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    BAD,BAD,BAD review.
    Why did you choose to use only 2.8Ghz? It's THE limiting factor that is preventing XT from showing its full capability.
    I'd bluntly say this review(er) is favoring FX by not using higer clocked cpu and beta driver for FX.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    How long have those underlined, highlighted words that look like links been ads here? That is one lame form of advertising... very annoying...
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    That invisible Prescott thing is crazy! Why the hell would they do that?
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    Are these even DX9 games? If not, who cares.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    PLEASE add Morrowind to test suite!!!
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    Sorry I don't have time to read through all the posts, so please forgive me if it's been mentioned above.

    It should be noted that due to a bug with ATI and Halo, ATI cards using Catalyst 3.7 drivers DO NOT USE Shader 2.0, currently only nVidia cards (that are capable) use 2.0

    In the .txt output file, it clearly shows ATI using 1.4 shader, while nVidia (5900) uses 2.0 This is supposed to be fixed in next driver release and/or patch from Halo.

    Supposedly you can force the ATI cards to run in 2.0 but adding a -use20 in the shortcut properties.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - link

    Yes. So he's benchmarking unreleased hardware (NV38) with unreleased drivers (52.xx) on an unreleased cpu (Prescott).

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