Naga Bhut Jolokia

Las Vegas is a city of many vices: gambling, women, drink, and Mint Indian Bistro’s Inferno Curry. Some of these may be more tempting to you than others, but thanks to Ganesh we ended up at the Mint Indian Bistro for dinner. Stupidity tends to run in crowds, sadly, and when Brian and Jarred opened the menu and were greeted by the Inferno Curry page, somehow the group was convinced to sign a waiver and order a bowl of pure, chunky death. The foolhardy souls who signed their name to the below death warrant consist of Anand Shimpi, Chris Heinonen, Brian Klug, and Jarred Walton—with Stephen Hornbrook joining them. Rest In Peace. As you might expect with such warnings, the resulting curry was hot—very hot...

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