
One of the most visited parts of the AnandTech website is our benchmark database, Bench. Over the last decade we've placed as much benchmark data as we can in there for every sample we can get our hands on. As the CPU editor, one of my duties is to maintain the CPU part of Bench, making sure the benchmarks are relevant and the newest components are tested. Today we are announcing our latest major Bench refresh with our new Benchmark suite, and some very lofty goals.

Computex 2011: Intel Mentions Haswell Will Support "Multiple OSes", But Why?

I hate that I didn't pull my camera out quickly enough to catch this slide, but Intel's Mooly Eden just mentioned an interesting feature of Haswell. He stated that...

31 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/31/2011

The Ultrabook: Meet the New Thin and Light Intel Notebook

It's too cliché to proclaim netbooks are dead. Perhaps the appropriate phrase is netbooks are no longer interesting to write about, but they do have a roadmap going forward...

36 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/31/2011

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