AMD Comments on GPU Stuttering, Offers Driver Roadmap & Perspective on Benchmarking
by Ryan Smith on March 26, 2013 2:28 AM ESTJust What Is Stuttering?
Now that we’ve seen a high-level overview of the rendering pipeline, we can dive into the subject of stuttering itself.
What is stuttering? In practice it’s any rendering anomaly that occurs that causes the time between frames to noticeably vary. This is admittedly a very generic definition, but it’s also a definition necessary to encompass all the different causes of stuttering.
We’ll get into specific scenarios of single-GPU and multi-GPU stuttering in the following pages, but briefly, stuttering can occur at several different points in the rendering pipeline. If the GPU takes longer to render a frame than expected – keeping in mind it’s impossible to accurately predict rendering times ahead of time – then that would result in stuttering. If a driver takes too long to prepare a frame for the GPU, backing up the rendering pipeline, that would result in stuttering. If a game simulation step takes too long and dispatches a frame later than it would have, or simply finds itself waiting too long before Windows lets it submit the next frame, that would result in stuttering. And if the CPU/OS is too busy to service an application or driver as soon as it would like, that would result in stuttering. The point of all of this being that stuttering and other pacing anomalies can occur at different points of the rendering pipeline, and become the responsibility of different hardware and software components.
Complicating all of this is the fact that Windows is not a real-time operating system, meaning that Windows cannot guarantee that it will execute any given command within a certain period of time. Essentially, Windows will get around to it when it can. In order to achieve the kind of millisecond level response time that applications and drivers need to ensure smoothness, Windows has to be overprovisioned to make sure it has excess resources. Consequently this is part of the reason for why the context queue exists in the first place, to serve as a buffer for when Windows can’t get the next frame passed down quickly enough.
Ultimately, while Windows will make a best-effort to get things done on time, the fact of the matter is that between the OS and the fact that PCs are composed of widely varied hardware, the software/hardware stack makes it virtually impossible to eliminate stuttering. Through careful profiling an optimizations it’s possible to get very close, but as the PC is not a fixed platform developers cannot count on any frame or any specific draw call being completed within a certain amount of time. For that kind of rendering pipeline consistency we’d have to look towards fixed platforms such as game consoles.
Moving on, stuttering is usually – though not always – a problem particular to gaming with v-sync disabled. When v-sync is enabled it places a hard floor on how often frames are presented to the user. For a typical 60Hz monitor this would mean there would be an interval of no shorter than 16.6ms, and in multiples of 16.6ms beyond that.
The significance of this is that if a game can consistently simulate and render at more than 60fps, v-sync effectively limits it to 60fps. With the end result being that the application is blocked from submitting any further frames once the context queue fills up, until the next scheduled frame is displayed. This fixed 16.6ms cycle makes it very easy to schedule frames and will typically minimize any stuttering. Of course v-sync also adds latency to the process since we’re now waiting on the GPU buffer to swap.
Throwing a few more definitions out before we move on, it’s important we differentiate between latency and the frame interval. Though latency gets thrown around as the time between frames, within the world of computer science and graphics that is not accurate, as latency has a different definition. Latency in this case is how long the entire rendering pipeline takes from start to end – from the moment the user clicks to the moment the first frame showing a response is displayed to the user. Most readers are probably more familiar with this concept as input lag, as latency in the rendering pipeline is a significant component of input lag.
Latency is closely related to, but not identical to the frame interval. Unlike latency, the frame interval is merely the time between frames, typically defined as the time (interval) between frames being displayed at the end of the rendering pipeline by the GPU performing a buffer swap. Typically latency and the frame interval are closely related, but thanks to the context queue it’s possible (and sometimes even likely) for a frame to go through the rendering pipeline with a high latency, while still being displayed at a consistent frame interval. For that matter the opposite can also happen.
When we’re looking at stuttering, what we’re really looking at is the frame interval rather than the latency. It’s possible to measure the latency separately, but whether it’s a software tool like FRAPS or something brute-force such as using a high-speed camera to measure the time between frames, what we’re seeing is the frame interval or a derivation thereof. The context queue means that the frame interval is not equivalent to the latency.
Finally, in our definition of stuttering we also need to somehow define when stuttering becomes apparent. Like input lag and other visual phenomena, there exists a point where stuttering is or isn’t visible to any given user. As we’ve already established that it’s virtually impossible to eliminate stuttering entirely on a variable platform like the PC, stuttering will always be with us to some degree, particularly if v-sync is disabled.
The problem is that this threshold is going to vary from person to person, and as such the idea of what an acceptable amount of stuttering would be is also going to vary depending on who you ask. If a frame takes 5ms longer than the previous, is that going to be noticeable? 10ms? 30ms? And what if this is at 30fps versus 60fps?
The $64K question: where is the cutoff for "good enough" stutter?
In our discussion with AMD, AMD brought up a very simple but very important point: while we can objectively measure instances of stuttering with the right tools, we cannot objectively measure the impact of stuttering on the user. We can make suggestions for what’s acceptable and set common-sense guidelines for how much of a variance is too much – similar to how 60fps is the commonly accepted threshold for smooth gameplay – but nothing short of a double-blind trial will tell us whether any given instance of stuttering is noticeable to any given individual.
AMD didn’t have all of the answers to this one, and frankly neither do we. Variance will always exist and so some degree of stuttering will always be present. The only point we can really make is the same point AMD made to us, which is that stuttering is only going to matter when it impacts the user. If the user cannot see stuttering then stuttering should no longer be an issue, even if we can measure some small degree of stuttering still occurring. Like input lag, framerates, and other aspects of rendering, there is going to be a point where stuttering can become “good enough” for most users.
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JPForums - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Their stance wasn't "Everyone else stutters so why should we bother with it." It was closer to "Everyone else stutters and we have no more control over it that they do ... Wait, you're saying they don't stutter as bad as we do ... and fixing our stutter would've actually helped our performance. Aw, nuts." I agree with Spoelie, it was ineptitude, not ill-will.extide - Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - link
You make absolutely no sense.Galidou - Saturday, March 30, 2013 - link
Lots of people seem to think AMD does so much mistakes that everytime it happens the world speaks about it more intensely because they actually admit it instead of trying to HIDE things, they even let the sites like anandtech make reviews on their problem. Right now, at home, I have two very comparable systems based on overclocked SNB. One with a 7950, and the other with a gtx 660 ti. Both play games extremely well but I have more trouble with my 660 ti. I get lots of ''Display adapter has stopped responding'' while surfing the internet, when waking up from long idle states and when playing League of Legends. I switched drivers, did clean install and I can't get rid of it totally. No my card is not overclocked and I can make it furmark all day long without a problem.I decided to play on my girlfriend's computer(which has the 7950) when I play league of legends because you just can't be interrupted in this kind of game. It even froze in LoL a couple times, at first I thought it was my SSD but after reading the dump files, found out it was the 660 ti. But hey, Nvidia is perfect(we just don't see them speaking of their problems that's it)... 4 months of it now, thanks alot... I wrote on nvidia forums did my research did everything they told me. Good thing it's only with LoL, internet and long idles, everything else runs flawlessly.
HisDivineOrder - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Actually, I think you should reread the article. It's true that fixing these stuttering issues has given them some frame rate improvements, but the article seemed relatively clear on the point that they were focused on frame rates and not frame latency or frame interval or whatever they're choosing to call it today.They had all their focus on one aspect of driver development and that actually cost them in that area because they weren't considering a more well-rounded approach.
I'll grant you AMD was pretty inept though. This has been problem they've had for years and it's taken them this long to suss it out...
piroroadkill - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Hey, what about PC Perspective: to me as being the best way to measure it, as it uses a DVI capture card to actually capture what the user sees, forgoing any overhead software may have..
Rick83 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Yes, that is the correct way to measure frame time.KikassAssassin - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Yeah, their method looks like the best of both worlds. It gets around the limitations of FRAPS without the complexity and difficulty of using GPUView.Anand Lal Shimpi - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
The ideal method would be something that gives us timestamps at both ends of the pipeline, but that's a tall order. The PCPer method is very interesting indeed... ;)Mopar63 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
First very informative article. The issue at hand is that this so called concern is based on an individuals perception. Remember we are not talking about a stuttering that was so bad as to be noticeable to all gamers. Scott basically had to make a video specifically designed to point out the issue for others to see it originally.Because there is no real way to quantify the personal experience we have an issue in the fact that we now have a measurement craze that is being treated as fact when it is based in the end on subjection for the final result.
Having access to various levels of AMD and NVidia based machines I can tell you that my gaming experience across them has been pretty uniform in most cases. The cases when I had a bad experience, probably a wash as they are on both platforms.
I think the biggest issue is we sometimes get to caught up in the technology. We let benchmarks and measurement programs dictate to us what we will get the most enjoyment from with our gaming experience. A game is not the frame rates but the play that matters. While frame rates might play a roll it is not the measurement of them that makes that part of the fun.
At the end of the day the single best test of a video card is not a benchmark suite or tool to measure frame rendering time. The best tool is to play the games you want and see if you get the game experience you desire. Turn off the benchmark and turn on the game, that is the ONLY true test of what is best.
HisDivineOrder - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - link
Speak for yourself. I've noticed this problem between nVidia vs AMD for years. For many years, gamers have said that nVidia cards are "smoother." People didn't listen because they didn't want to hear the truth or because they were likely stuck with one high end from AMD and a low end or medium end from nVidia.But comparing equivalent cards, I can tell you my experience has always led inescapably to the "feeling" that the nVidia card is smoother at the same or even slightly lower frame rate.
This just proves what I "felt" was the case was in fact really the case. If you didn't see it, then that's a fail on the part of your visual acuity or perhaps you had a bias you wanted to see, so you saw less than everything present.
But the stutter was always there. Now even AMD admits it.