Final Words

AMD didn't overpromise as far as the benefits of these new scheduling/core parking hotfixes for Windows 7 are concerned. Single digit percentage gains can be expected in most mixed workloads, although there's a chance that you'd see low double digit gains if the conditions are right. It's important to note that the hotfixes for Windows 7 aren't ideal either. They simply force threads to be scheduled on empty modules first rather than idle cores on occupied modules. To properly utilize Bulldozer's architecture we'd need a scheduler that schedules both based on available cores/modules but biases its scheduling depending on data dependency between threads.

If Bulldozer were the last architecture to present this type of scheduling challenge I'd say that it's unlikely we'll see things get better. Luckily for AMD, I don't believe homogeneous multi-core architectures will be all we get moving forward. Schedulers will get better at understanding the underlying hardware, just as they have in the past. We may see better utilization of Bulldozer cores/modules in Windows 8 but as always, don't use the promise of what may come as a basis for any present day purchasing decisions.

Mixed Workloads: Mild Gains
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  • KonradK - Friday, January 27, 2012 - link

    "Ideally, threads with shared data sets would get scheduled on the same module, while threads that share no data would be scheduled on separate modules."

    I think that it is impossible for sheduler to predict how thread will behave and it is not practical to track the behaviour of running thread (tracking which areas of memory are accessed by threads would be so computational intensive as computational intensive is emulation).
    So ultimately there is choice between "threads should be scheduled on separate modules if possible" or "do not care which cores belongs to the same module" (pre-hotfix behaviour).
    Second means that Bulldozer will behave as PIV EE (2 core, 4 threads) on Windows2000, at least for threads that uses FPU heavily. Windows 2000 does not ditinguish between logical and physical cores.
  • Araemo - Friday, January 27, 2012 - link

    I've noticed that windows doesn't always schedule jobs well to take advantage of Intel Turbo Boost.. I realize that it probably doesn't have a noticeable level of impact, but I do notice that running only 1 thread of high-cpu-utilization still doesn't often kick turbo above the 3/4 cores active frequency.. I can use processor affinity on the various common background tasks to pull them all to 1 or 2 cores to activate full turbo, but if a process is only using a percent or so of cpu resources, why schedule it to an otherwise-inactive core if there is an already-active, but 98% un-utilized core available? I think the power gating efficiencies would actually be more useful than the pure mhz-related turbo efficiencies (Running 2 cores 100Mhz faster is probably going to waste less power than you gain by shutting down the other two cores completely/partially).

    Is there anything to address that behavior?
  • taltamir - Friday, January 27, 2012 - link

    Wouldn't those hotfixes improve performance on intel HT processors as well?
  • tipoo - Friday, January 27, 2012 - link

    No, Windows already leaves virtual threads from hyperthreading alone until all the physical cores are used, so this won't improve things on the Intel side any. This is specifically for Bulldozer and future architectures like this.
  • Hale_ru - Monday, February 6, 2012 - link

    Win7 had nothing to do with Intel HT until AMD hit them in the head!

    I had so much asspain with Win7 shity CPU scheduler on FEM and FDTD simulations.

    8HT-core setup just reduces overall performance up to 50%(a HALF!!!) comparing to NO-HT setup.
    Simpel task manager checkup showed that Win7 just was putting low-threaded processes on the same core without an option. Just simplest increment scheduler they have for Intels.
  • Hale_ru - Monday, February 6, 2012 - link

    So, it is recommended to use AMD optimization patches (only the core-addresing one, not the C6 state patch) on any Win7 machine using simple multithreaded mathematics.
  • hescominsoon - Friday, January 27, 2012 - link

    Shared cpu modules that have to compete for resources? Reminds me of HT v1. IMO this is basically a quad core chip with the other 4 threads available in the primary core isn't being used all the way. I've looked at the design and it's just nonsensical. This is not a futuristic bet but a desperate attempt at differentiation...with most likely disastrous results. AMD has now painted themselves into a niche product instead of a high performance general purpose cpu.
  • dgingeri - Friday, January 27, 2012 - link

    I like the design of the Bulldozer overall, but there is obviously a bottleneck that is causing problems with this chip. I'm thinking the bottleneck is likely the decoder. it can only handle 4 instructions per clock cycle, and feeds 2 full Int cores and the FP unit shared between the two cores. I bet increasing the decoder capacity would show a really big increase in speed. What do you think?
  • bji - Saturday, January 28, 2012 - link

    I think that if it was something easy, AMD would have done it already or are in the process of doing it.

    I also think that it's unlikely that it's something as simple as improving the decoder throughput, because one would think that AMD would have tried that pretty early on when evaluations of the chip showed that the decoder was limiting performance.

    These chips are incredibly complicated and all of the parts are incredibly interrelated. The last 25% of IPC is incredibly hard to achieve.
  • bobbozzo - Friday, January 27, 2012 - link

    The hotfixes also support Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

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