Research in Motion's BlackBerry PlayBook tablet (read our review) is now on sale for $299 in the BlackBerry Store, a price which applies to the 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB models. This price will be available until February 4, and (at least as of this writing) appears to be a sale and not an across-the-board price cut - retailers like Best Buy are still selling the tablets at their original prices of $499.99, $599.99, and $699.99, while others (like Amazon) are offering different discounts. 

This move isn't quite reminiscent of last year's fire sale on the HP Touchpad, in which HP simultaneously announced its decision to stop selling WebOS hardware and dumped most of its existing inventory, but it does represent a similar opportunity for RIM to move some inventory, expand its user base, and, perhaps, to test the waters with some lower price points. At this point, most non-iPad tablets to sell in significant numbers (including the Kindle Fire and the discounted TouchPad) have had to undercut Apple fairly significantly on price.

The link to the BlackBerry Store is below. Note that if you're in the market for the 16GB PlayBook, Amazon's price is cheaper than RIM's by about $40, but the 32GB and 64GB tablets are both cheaper through RIM.

Source: BlackBerry Store

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  • fteoath64 - Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - link

    If RIM were to provide HoneyComb 3.2 OS on the BBplay,then the situation might not be as bad. In fact, if they did that and price at $250, it might just compete nicely with Kindle Fire. It is virtually identical to Fire but it has cameras and more flash storage so it is a good price point comparison for the consumer.

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