Since starting our Bench results databases, they've grown by leaps and bounds. Bench is a central place where you can compare products based on the variety of tests and benchmarks we throw at them, and if you haven't checked it out already, you should, because it's downright huge. Our CPU bench alone has exploded, with test results for 121 different processors across 47 different disciplines. Today, Bench virtually doubles in size as we've added three new Benches.

First, and nearest and dearest to my heart, we introduce the Mobile Bench, a database of test results from over fifty different notebooks and netbooks across more than twenty different disciplines. Nearly every notebook we've tested since the beginning of 2010—and even a few towards the end of 2009—is represented here, although not all results are available on every notebook (i.e. high-detail gaming on a netbook isn't a concern). If you want to find the fastest gaming notebook or the best battery life on the market, check out our Mobile Bench.

Second and no less impressive is our Smartphone Bench. Featuring 27 different smartphones, our Bench contains results across 16 different tests, all easily searchable and sortable. If you're looking for the most talking time, the nicest screen, or the snappiest web browsing, the phone you're looking for is probably in our Smartphone Bench.

And finally, Ryan has been working overtime to produce our 2011 GPU Bench. It features the results of 29 different GPU configurations across 48 different tests, updated with DirectX 11 class hardware and the benchmarks to go with it along with some DirectX 10 hardware to use as a frame of reference.

Our Benches are updated regularly as new products get reviewed and entered into them (hence the staggering mass of our CPU Bench), and you find them all through the main AnandTech Bench page. As we review future phones, laptops, GPUs, and CPUs, the database will continue to grow. If you have any questions about or suggestions for the new Benches, please let us know in the comments!

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  • DarkForceRising - Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - link

    Fair enough. I figured there was something that I hadn't thought of.
  • marraco - Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - link

    They are seriously lacking on 560/570 SLI. There is no info, and those are one of the best bang for the buck choices.
  • Funtastico - Friday, February 4, 2011 - link

    Agreed! I have a feeling they're working on it and will continue to add upcoming cards to this list. Any comments from Dustin/Ryan?

    Bless your souls for the hard work you've all put into this. This site shines out amongst its competitors because of commendable work such as this.

    Wishlist: Will more upcoming games be added to this list in the future?

  • ScruffyNerfherder - Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - link

    Using the 50% level of each phones brightness setting doesn't make sense as there is no correlation between the brightness level setting for each phone. What that level represents is specific to each device. Instead, actual measured brightness levels should be used or some method that makes more sense.

    For a decently design SoC with decent OS/drivers and application, the screen backlight should be the dominant power user of the system while web browsing or any activity the require only a few seconds of processing for a much large time of the user reading while the CPU can be idle the majority of the time. I suppose Flash advertisements on some pages may keep the CPU from being idle as often.
  • 7amood - Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - link

    would love to c how the next generation Galaxy S would compete with the old generation galaxy s and other smart phones.
  • Aone - Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - link

    Bench outlook might be readable better, if "Lower is better" is marked w/ color or graphically.
  • Hrel - Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - link

    I'm very disappointed to see 1080p is still not included in the GPU bench. No HDTV runs any higher, so nothing else really matters. Except maybe 900p and 720p.

    I also want cards tested all the way down to the HD5670 at least. The 5770 is still out of some peoples price range. Though this is more minor since adding cards is just a matter of running the tests. GTS450?

    I'd really like to see an averaged score at each resolution, or just 1080p, for each card across all games you test on. As it stands now I have to go through copy down all the scores and do the math myself every time you release new bench or new cards. Ofcourse when I do it I balance minimum frame rates from Crysis at 60% and the rest at 40% and I only do 4-6 games total; Crysis counts as 2.

    Then I'd just like to see Sandy Bridge in the mobile bench. Specifically the 15.6" Clevo boxes with the GTX460M and the GT540M as well as the Compal with the GT540M. Though I'm sure you guys will get on that ASAP all on your own.
  • ssohall - Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - link

    Plz add Core i5-2400 to the bench. Is it wise to wait for all the mobos to be replaced or just go and get one and use SATA 6 gbps coz i think i been waiting long enough (2-3 months now) to buy sandybridge
  • redisnidma - Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - link

    Anandtech would be the last place I would look for unbiased benchmarking. People looking for "professional" reviews should try Techreport, Phoronix, Bit-Tech or any other.
  • NateSLC - Thursday, February 3, 2011 - link

    Could you update your Droid X numbers with the official 2.2 OS? The numbers there don't mean much to me otherwise.

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