When ATI first showed their new AMD Athlon 64 chipset, we were mightily impressed with the overclocking capabilities of their new Bullhead board. As you saw in our Bullhead launch review, the new ATI chipset came out of the gate with some serious performance and overclocking capabilities. ATI Engineering has continued to work on Bullhead, finally attracting a few serious players to produce motherboards based on Bullhead. To get the word out to the enthusiast community, ATI decided to be a very visible sponsor of an Overclocking competition at Texas Gaming Festival 2005 in Dallas, Texas.

So, how do you get the attention of 500 dedicated LAN gamers and the Press?

You bring in the most extreme overclockers in the world - the ones that top the orbs at Futuremark on a regular basis. The equipment that they brought along was a show all on its own.

You make sure that these extreme overclockers have all the liquid nitrogen that they need to keep their equipment cranking out the benchmark records.

For the press, you do a "technology launch" of a new 512MB version of your top video card.

Fugger, Macci and OPPainter Go for the Orb
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  • ZeroEffect - Thursday, March 10, 2005 - link

    i'm sure when you are overclocking in those regions success has more to do with how you are cooling that your parts choice.

    extreme pursuits aren't for everyone, you know?

    i enjoy seeing people excell in what they're interested in, regardless.
  • woodchuk - Thursday, March 10, 2005 - link

    Someone should write a book on overclocking which would be available in the local library, and O/C should be taught in computer classes. I'm dead serious, nothing, but nothing teaches you how these things work any better.
  • SDA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 - link

    I mean no offense to anyone who took part in this, but I AM curious: how, exactly, do you have an overclocking competition? Overclocking success is really just luck and part choice... there isn't a whole lot of skill or knowledge involved. Once you get above a certain level, you're about as good as you can be.

    I guess it's more of an excuse to display new products and have some fun than anything else... no harm in that, certainly. I will say that the last paragraph of the article made me laugh, though. Really, come on.

    In other words: what #18 said.
  • xsilver - Thursday, March 10, 2005 - link

    "But just watching these extreme overclockers work gave all of us attending a lot of insight into ways to push our own systems a little further. Most of our readers are more like stock car drivers, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t learn something from those who push the envelope to the very edge. ".....
    yeah, write this and dont bother to share some tips with us.... its not like we dont want to know

    personally i think getting a kickass core from amd/intel will be the decisive factor; its not like you can give your rig more love to make it go faster :P
  • MadAd - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    Awesome, simply awesome.

    I still wonder why noone cools the back of the boards too? Surely that tiny extra backcooling would help? its not as if its going to take a lot more equipment?
  • Kccdx2 - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    15, read OPP's post?? Its number 9 incase you were still haven't read the comments.
  • dm - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    who won...
  • ShadowVlican - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    wow..... wish i was there.... must've been an amazing experience seeing the world's top OCers there in one place!!!
  • RockHydra11 - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    OPP, word of advice. Stay away from the Forum Boards. You'll get flamed the instant you say something someone disagrees with. It doesn't matter who you are. :P

    Oh. By the way. What you guys do is incredible. I have a question for you guys though. Are you and Fugger and Macci friends and share info you find and stuff?
  • ajmiles - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    #11 OPP,

    lol, ask him for any tips? What did he do that you guys didn't, how strange the people they invited didn't do as well of ATI tech guys. Good job all the same, come to England next time eh!

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