Trade Shows

For Computex week, Micron was at the show in force in order to talk about its latest products across the memory spectrum. The biggest news for the memory company was that it has kicked-off sampling of it's next-gen GDDR7 memory, which is expected to start showing up in finished products later this year and was being demoed on the show floor. Meanwhile, the company is also eyeing taking a much larger piece of the other pillar of the high-performance memory market – High Bandwidth Memory – with aims of capturing around 25% of the premium HBM market. GDDR7 to Hit the Market Later This Year Micron's first GDDR7 chip is a 16 Gb memory device with a 32 GT/sec (32Gbps/pin) transfer rate, which is significantly faster...

Intel Developer Forum - Beijing 2007: New Centrino and a new Low Power Architecture

Intel unveils details about its 2008 Centrino platform as well as a new class of low powered microprocessors aimed at UMPCs.

7 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/17/2007

CeBIT 2007: Storage & Servers

Our trip to CeBIT 2007 in Hannover garnered some interesting news on how well AMD's K10 chip will fare against Intel's newest Xeons. We also hear about how Supermicro...

14 by Johan De Gelas on 3/29/2007

Tech View: Compro Technology Updates

We provide a brief update on two multimedia products we are currently testing.

5 by Gary Key on 2/13/2007

CES 2007: Wrap Up

In our final CES 2007 article we take a look at some interesting networking, systems, and cooling products.

7 by Gary Key on 1/24/2007

CES 2007: Motherboards and Memory

In this CES 2007 article we take a look at motherboard and memory developments along with a few other items of interest.

14 by Gary Key on 1/17/2007

CES 2007 - Part II: IPTV on Xbox 360, iPhone and DTX

The PC industry has been changing for years, here's a peak at what's to come with IPTV, the iPhone and AMD's new form factor as indicators.

16 by Anand Lal Shimpi & Manveer Wasson on 1/16/2007

CES 2007: Evolutionary not Revolutionary Products

We take a look at some of the most interesting product developments and a few new releases at CES 2007.

25 by Gary Key on 1/12/2007

Taiwan Pre-CES Technology Tour Part 2

We finish coverage from our pre-CES tour of Taiwan with a look at upcoming products from abit, Albatron, ASUS, Compro, DFI, Gigabyte, and Shuttle.

23 by Gary Key on 12/12/2006

Pre-CES Taiwan 2006, Day 1

Why wait for CES when you can simply head over to Taiwan and visit with the manufacturers directly? We shipped Gary off to gather the latest news from overseas.

4 by Gary Key and Jarred Walton on 12/7/2006

Tech View: Motherboards and More

We take a quick look at some upcoming motherboards and other products that are currently in our test labs.

19 by Gary Key on 12/3/2006

Tech View: Multimedia Items for the PC

We take another look at upcoming product reviews for the 2006 holiday season.

22 by Gary Key on 11/28/2006

Tech View: Storage Devices, Optical Drives, and More

We take a look at upcoming product reviews for the 2006 holiday season.

19 by Gary Key on 11/22/2006

Valve Hardware Day 2006 - Multithreaded Edition

Valve Software recently held their annual Hardware Day and invited members of the press; they revealed their widespread multithreading support initiative for the Source engine.

55 by Jarred Walton on 11/7/2006

IDF Fall 2006 - Day 2: Geneseo, Santa Rosa, Memory Roadmap and More

We talked to Parallels, learned more about Geneseo, dove into the details of Santa Rosa and took a look at Intel's Memory Roadmap at this year's Fall IDF.

7 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/28/2006

IDF Fall 2006 - Day 2: Opteron vs. Xeon, SSE4 & Intel's Torrenza competitor Announced

Pat Gelsinger announced Intel's new SSE4 instructions and a competitor to AMD's Torrenza platform.

18 by Anand Shimpi & Virginia Lee on 9/27/2006

Fall IDF 2006 - Day 1: Laser FSBs, more Alan Wake, Flash in Vista & DDR3

We're rounding out our first day's coverage with an update from the Intel labs on Silicon Photonics, more information on multi-threaded gaming in Remedy's upcoming thriller: Alan Wake, Intel's...

16 by Anand Shimpi & Cara Hamm on 9/27/2006

Computex 2006 Wrap-Up: External Storage, Cooling, and More

We conclude our Computex 2006 coverage with a look at some storage devices, cooling components, and a few other odds and ends.

9 by Gary Key on 6/17/2006

Computex 2006: Motherboards and More

Computex may be over, but for those of you that like seeing some of the upcoming products, we've got more coverage of the motherboard and notebook sectors.

17 by Gary Key on 6/15/2006

Computex 2006: Multimedia and Memory

There was lots to see at Computex 2006, and after two articles we've only scratched the surface. We'll continue our coverage with a look at some of the...

7 by Gary Key on 6/12/2006

Computex 2006: Abit is back, Biostar expands, and Thermaltake dazzles

Our Computex coverage kicks off with a look at upcoming products from Abit, Biostar, and Thermaltake.

27 by Gary Key on 6/10/2006

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