Corsair TX550M Internal Design and Fan

Corsair uses a 140mm fan from Ong Hua with a ball bearing. The product number is HA1425H12B-Z and it takes 0.50A. A Sanyo Denki fan would be better but the price could be a problem and Sanyo Denki is still a reason to buy the more expensive Corsair AX. Opening the unit clearly reveals that Channel Well is the ODM. Transient filtering starts behind the AC inlet and continues on the mainboard. Like nearly all modern PSUs, the TX550M has active PFC. All transistors have very common ratings so there is nothing special needed to reach 80 Plus Bronze.Most capacitors come from Nippon Chemi-Con and there are some all solid ones in the secondary circuit, but the KY models are a usual choice for high-end PSUs. It would be nice to see some other brands or types; however, all parts are high-quality. The only point of criticism is that the fan connector could be glued down, but that's a minor issue at best.

Corsair TX550M Overview Corsair TX550M Measurements
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  • mikeymikec - Thursday, April 5, 2012 - link

    Argh, it really goes to show how much I rely on the 'edit' button... PROOF READ BEFORE POSTING! :)

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