The Rise of Thin Clients, Cont'd

To verify these claims, we'll skip the woolly language and instead we'll check out the hardware specs, starting with the thin client.

HP's t5720 thin client
  • 6W AMD Geode NX 1500 1 GHz
  • 256 or 512MB DDR SDRAM (16MB UMA video)
  • SiS741GX integrated UMA video 16MB
  • 4 USB ports (rear)
  • 0.5 or 1GB Flash drive
The Geode NX processor can be considered a low power version of the 3-way superscalar Athlon "Thunderbird" architecture. Just like the Thunderbird, it has a total of 384 KB of cache (128 KB L1 + 256 KB). The Geode should be more than powerful enough to display the RDP information (about 30 Kbit/s) it gets from the blade PC. The SiS741GX is a very humble 3D graphics card (low end GeForce 3 performance) but that doesn't matter as it only has to display 2D graphics. It takes away 16MB of "central" DDR RAM and is capable of displaying a resolution of 2048x1536, which is quite important as this thin client can also be used as a thin workstation (see further). The Thin client has two USB connections inside, which enable you to add a wireless USB key and if necessary 2GB of USB storage space.

Note that the thin client has absolutely no moving parts: no fans, and no hard disk. The 1GB flash drive is loaded with Windows XP Embedded (XPe), a Windows XP with a much smaller footprint but with full Win32API support. The client is thus compatible with all Windows XP applications. Windows XPe can work in about 40-64MB of RAM.

The Rise of Thin Clients Blade PCs
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  • Pale Rider - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    I work for a fortune 500 company as a sys admin. We have 10,000 nodes (PCs and servers).

    Half of those are desktop business PCs and we use PCs on purpose - they fullfill the business need the best.

    The facst are, most applictions do not run correctly in a terminal server or think client enviroment. Until the software developers change this and the cost of this clients come down consideranly we have no plans to move to think clients - this is true for the majority of IT departments as well.
  • rowcroft - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    It's been out there for years, but I have deployed Sun's SunRay systems and they worked great. Granted, the environment had limited Windows requirements (ran Mozilla for web and e-mail, used custom apps for business use) but those were satisfied with a Citrix deployment.

    If you're looking for a stable, cost effective environment (both from a productivity and hard cost savings PoV) then you should consider something like that as well.
  • yacoub - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    I'd feel horrible for anyone working in that type of locked-down environment... no freedom, no ability to use software beyond what is installed by the default image (obviously I'm talking about winamp, AIM, and other useful items, not trojans or malware), all of your programs and processing power are at the mercy of whoever dictates how much your share of the server's horsepower you're allowed to consume and what software you have access to. Ugh. What a death sentence of a work environment.

    And for the IT department, what a dream come true! ;)
  • rowcroft - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    Problem is, who gets to determine what's OK and what isn't? Try managing that in an enterprise environment. This isn't meant for a shop with 200 computers and one admin.
  • yacoub - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    Why the preview lure text for articles that is posted on the homepage below the article title always cuts off and yet the exact sentence never seems to be found in the actual article:


    t's 2007, and a serious attempt on the life of the PC is in the works. Shockingly, the murder is planned by nobody less...

    nobody less than who? Please finish the sentence of the preview text on the homepage, instead of burying parts of it amongst several sentences later in the article.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    If you go to the "IT Computing" tab at the top of the page (or whatever section the article is in) you get the whole intro blurb. they just display a portion on the homepage.
  • punko - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    As a heavy guy, I resent the term "fat client".

    The biggest improvement in cost of ownership lately has been the change to LCD monitors. The effect is real in power savings.

    The biggest headache is the licensing model change by Microsoft, AutoDesk and Adobe. This may lead to a massive shift in software to open source alternatives.

    In our firm, most have PC's with a large number of laptops. Thin clients can't replace laptops, and most of us with PC's tend to push them hard, so there isn't any advantage over PC's.
  • Chunga29 - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    Give me a break - take the PC (political correctness) somewhere else, please! If you're so offended, get off your duff and get some exercise, drop the fast food, don't drink sodas or juice or alcohol, and you'll be amazed at what that can do for your obesity.

    And yes, you probably are clinically obese, as are 65% (and rising) Americans. I was one of them until a year ago, when I kicked my ass into shape doing the above. Dropped from 240 pounds and 31% body fat down to 190 pounds and 16% body fat, where I have been happily resting for the past six months.

    Or, you can be like so many others and blame the problem on genetics, your job, etc. because weight issues certainly can't be caused by personal behavior!
  • NT78stonewobble - Saturday, September 15, 2007 - link

    I read it as a joke.

    Still I WOULD blame my doctor on gaining around 30 % body weight in one year when I was twelve by giving me hormones.

    Hormones that in the end wouldn't have had any effect on me. Hormones would help eg. 60 % of cases and in the rest surgery was necessary. However the initial exam of everyone with this particular problem was cut due to costs and thus everyone was given one or even two halfyear treatsments of hormones instead.

    So unless you really know the guy dont ditch him.

    P.S. Yes I've lost the weight since then. I am however still suffering from depressions going on the 10 th year and have an allmost anorectic relationship to food.
  • JohanAnandtech - Thursday, July 19, 2007 - link

    Thin portables do exist, and could be a reality once Wimax and/or 3G are ubiquitous.

    But I do agree that the licensing models of the bige Software guys add a lot to TCO. Is it just me or is IDC always trying minimize those by grossly overestimating administration costs? :-)

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